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1. Have students read John Lewis’ speech from the JFK Profile in Courage Award Ceremony, his unedited speech from the March on Washington and the NBC News Interview with Jewell Jones.

2. Answer the following questions for both John Lewis and Jewell Jones. Some questions may require additional research. 

  • Identify three compelling aspects of the defender’s life. 

  • What about the defender, as a person, stands out to you? 

  • Who were/are some of the people who influenced the defender? 

  • How did the defender’s journey from childhood to a leader inspire his community and the movement?

  • What is the primary cause that this defender addresses? 

  • What were/are some of the specific issues?

  • What was/is the defender’s desired outcomes?

  • What tactics did the defender use to seek resolution?

  • What was/is the political/social context in which this defender worked/was working? Think locally and nationally, if applicable.

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